
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

How to Lose Weight Eating Low Carb

How to Lose Weight Eating Low Carb

Low carb diets are helpful in losing weight but shouldn't be used indefinitely. If you are on a low carb diet, the carbs you are leaving out are simple carbs like wheat, rice and corn. While these foods are healthy in moderation, many people develop habitual patterns of eating -- which include a lot of these types of carbs. Complex carbs are very good for you and can be found in fruits and vegetables, legumes and whole grains.



    Divide your food into fruits, vegetables and proteins such as meats, nuts and legumes, dairy, and meat substitutes.


    Make each meal a combination of two of the food categories. For example, combine one serving of salmon with one pear, or a serving of beans with one serving of cheese -- or one serving of carrots with an apple.


    Eat five to six small meals per day, using different combinations of food categories. An example of a full day's menu might include scrambled eggs and cheese in the early part of the morning, apple and orange later in the morning, chicken breast and asparagus for lunch, yogurt and blueberries as an afternoon snack, salmon and salad for dinner -- and cucumber and melon for dessert.


    Drink lots of water throughout the day.


    Avoid beverages that have more than 10 calories.


    Begin an exercise routine if you don't have one. Start by walking at a fast pace for 30 minutes three times per week. If you already have an exercise routine, add something new to keep it interesting.


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