
Saturday, June 21, 2014

What Is the Maryse Diet?

What Is the Maryse Diet?

Maryse Ouellet, best known simply as Maryse, is a Canadian model and WWE Raw diva. Maryse's trim physique has made aspiring dieters wonder about her weight loss secrets. However, based on her own description of her eating habits, Maryse's fitness has more to do with exercise than diet.

Unhealthy Foods

    There is no specific "Maryse diet." However, Maryse has stated she eats chocolate cake every day and she also lists such unhealthy treats as chicken nuggets and salami as favorite foods. This suggests that food is not the source of her fitness.

Healthy Foods

    Not all of Maryse's preferred foods are fattening; she also enjoys shrimp, which is high in "good" LDL cholesterol and red wine, which is rich in antioxidants. Even dark chocolate can be healthy in small doses, due to its high antioxidant content, but a daily piece of chocolate cake is typically too much to be considered healthy. Maryse also gives credit to vitamins and supplements for her fitness, although vitamins alone are not enough to salvage an unhealthy diet.


    Maryse attributes her health to exercise rather than diet. She does tae bo, uses an elliptical machine and performs light weight training. She notes that exercise needs to be a regular part of your lifestyle, not a short-term addition for quick weight loss. Those who seek to lose weight should emulate her exercise regimen rather than her eating habits.


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