
Friday, January 10, 2014

Foods to Heal Your Intestinal Tract

Foods to Heal Your Intestinal Tract

Poor eating habits are the leading cause ofdigestive health problems, asserts Health Blurbs. The additives, preservatives and sweeteners in the processed foods that dominate the modern Western diet damage the intestinal lining. This contributes to the onset of many digestive disorders and diseases. Hormonal changes and stress also play a role in bringing on intestinal discomfort. Changing your dietary habits to include organic, high-fiber, low sugar and low fat foods will give your system a necessary boost to heal your intestinal tract. Add this to my Recipe Box.


    Eat fresh, organic seasonal fruits. Apples with the skins on, raw pears, pineapple, blueberries and blackberries pack a power punch in fiber content to restore your digestive system to proper order.


    Health-Science-Spirit recommends homemade fruit and vegetable ferments to sanitize your intestines. Fruits and vegetables soak in a liquid such as brine, whey or wine and then sit for a few days to break the cellulose into easily digestible sugars. Sauerkraut, pickles and fruit wine are common fermentations that will help restore healthy balance to your intestinal tract.


    Spinach, sweet potatoes with the peel and broccoli are tasty ways to get in your daily-recommended fiber. Cucumbers, watercress, pumpkin seeds, carrots and alfalfa provide additional options.


    Legumes, such as lentils, navy beans, kidney beans, black beans, garbanzo beans, green peas are excellent sources of the roughage your intestines need to run smoothly. Fresh from your pesticide-free garden in the summer is best, but look for local and organic whenever possible to decrease the processing and product travel time, which saps some of the nutrition from the produce.


    Cilantro, fenugreek, cinnamon, scallions, chives, basil, thyme and rosemary, fennel, sesame seeds, ginger, tarragon, mint, garlic, chamomile and anise contain healing properties that help nurse a compromised intestinal tract back to health according to clinical nutritionist Mike Adams. The herbs add flavor to your food without the damaging effects of too much salt and sugar.

Whole Grains

    Although many people with intestinal disorders develop an associated sensitivity to wheat and gluten, whole grains such as rice, millet and maize provide a gluten-free source of fiber. If you do not require a gluten-free diet, you can add barley, bran and whole wheat to your intestinal cleansing regiment.


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