Have you been wondering how to lose weight eating every two hours? You can lose weight while eating and keeping your metabolism high. If you eat often your metabolism will burn more fat and calories. Women can eat 200 calories each meal for 6 meals a day. Men can eat 250 calories each meal for 6 meals per day.
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Make a Chart of Your Eating Time
Make a chart that lists the times that you eat each day. For example:
Keep the chart on your refrigerator or with you if you are out of the house during the day. Do not eat after 6:00pm in the evening. You can still drink zero calorie foods such as water or tea.
2Make a List of Healthy Foods to Eat
Make a list of healthy foods that you can eat at each meal and the number of calories in the food. For example, one handful of raw almonds is 200 calories. One container of yogurt is 140 calories. If you are out during the day, put your food list on the back of your eating time chart for convenience.
Don't waste your calories on unhealthy foods such as junk food, candy, soda pop, donuts, high fructose corn syrup foods, trans fat foods, fast food and other low nutritional value foods.
Eat only healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, yogurt, nuts, seeds, garlic and olive oil.
Knowing how to lose weight eating every 2 hours will help you reduce down a size.
3Follow Your Plan
Eat every two hours throughout your day and you will not be hungry. Your body will continuously be told that there is plenty of food and it will respond by increasing your metabolism and burning more fat and calories.
Exercise daily to help keep your metabolism high. 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise per day, three to five days per week is the minimum amount of exercise that anyone should be doing. Add 20 minutes of weight training three days per week.
Drink plenty of water throughout your day to keep yourself well hydrated and full. Drink eight to twelve glasses of water each day. Do not include other drinks such as coffee, tea and soda as your water intake. Other drinks are very dehydrating and cause you to need more water.
If you want more information on how to lose weight eating every two hours, please talk to your doctor.
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