
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Diet to Shrink a Meningioma

Diet to Shrink a Meningioma

A meningioma is a tumor located in the membranes near the brain and spinal cord. Most meningiomas are benign, although a small minority of meningiomas are malignant. Benign meningiomas may not require any treatment if they are small and display no signs of growth over time. However, large meningiomas can cause disruptive symptoms like memory loss, headaches, hearing loss, vision problems, and even seizures if left untreated. A non-invasive solution for shrinking meningiomas is to adopt a healthy diet that contains plenty of fruits in vegetables, sufficient amounts of vitamin E, and very little salt.

Fruits and Vegetables

    Fruits and vegetables are important for people with meningiomas.

    It is crucial to eat a diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables to shrink a meningioma. According to a case control study performed by Harbin Medical College in the Heilongjiang province of northeast China, consuming a predominantly plant based diet containing substantial amounts of cabbage and onion is the most effective means of shrinking benign meningiomas and preventing against the development of malignant meningiomas (See Reference 1). Fruits and vegetables are crucial for people with meningiomas because these foods contain phytonutrients which shrink tumors and support a healthy immune system.

Vitamin E

    Nuts and seeds are great souces of vitamin E.

    It is important to consume sufficient amounts of vitamin E in your diet if you are diagnosed with a meningioma. Vitamin E supports healthy brain tissue, reduces swelling, and shrinks tumors (See Reference 2). The recommended dosage of vitamin E for patients with meningioma is typically 200 mg daily. Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E and therefore will help reduce meningioma size.

Low Salt

    Reducing salt intake decreases pressure on the meningioma.

    People with a meningioma need to reduce salt intake. Salt increases fluid retention and intracranial pressure, which cause tumors to swell (See Reference 3). By cutting back on salt consumption, you can reduce pressure on the meningioma and allow it to shrink. Decreasing the amount of sodium in your diet will also improve your overall health.


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